Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Closing down

It is Tuesday evening and by now the remaining four of us have all returned to our homes.  Amazingly, this morning, Gene's fever had broken and he redeveloped his appetite and felt fine all day.  His sending church held a special prayer session last evening for him and he is certain that the abatement of the fever was a direct answer to their prayers.  God is good, all the time.  Satan has been hard at work the entire time of this work trip, and you can sense that from a number of posts.  Haiti is definitely a dark place, but God is at work in the country.  YWAM is a beacon of light in this dark country and we are convinced that the small amount we played in the work of this mission will just help them in their efforts to take the Gospel message to their neighbors.  Pray for Haiti.

This concludes the I-TECblog for this memorable trip.  As each team member retells the story to their home churches and friends you will gain a lot more insight as to what happened these past three weeks. 

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