Monday, November 3, 2014

A Great Monday

Today the team began a new week of work.  We were assured that EDH would come and cut off the power to YWAM until we are finished with our work.  This was supposed to be at 8 AM.  We got up and had breakfast and a devotional time and headed out to the project around 8.  Guess what!  EDH came through with their promise and our linemen were then able to proceed on making the changes to the high voltage system that is a big part of this project.  All of the poles were set and the high voltage wiring was dead-ended at the new Service Pole across from the Generator Building.  This was a real answer to our prayers and maybe for yours as well.  Thanks for praying that this would happen.

We also finished our underground conduits and by the end of the day the ditch was covered and unless you were told where it is you would not notice it.  We did have one glitch today, though.
In our shipment of wire to the jobsite here in Haiti, we were short one roll of large wire.  This appeared to be a mistake by the supplier that was missed on delivery to I-TEC back in June.  We made some calls and found this wire is available at a large electrical distributor  in Port au Prince.  We will be going there very early tomorrow to pick this up so that we can continue our work here.  It would have been a catastrophe to come up 1000' short on 2700' of wire and not be able to get replacement wire before the team heads back to the US later this week.  But the Lord knew all about this ahead of time and He made sure there was a roll on the shelf at ElMeCo Supply.
Anyway, as the linemen prepare the overhead feeds to the rest of the campus the electricians will be
pulling in the remaining wires and making terminations in the generator room.  By the end of tomorrow, Tuesday, we might be starting to think about running the generators, at least for a test.

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