Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Scoping things out

This morning we woke up to the warmth of Haiti.  Actually it really got hot.  The rain we traveled through from Port au Prince to here did not seem to follow us completely to Saint Marc.  As I write this, however, the sky is very dark and lightning is all around.  Perhaps it will cool off.

We spent today looking through the materials we had sent down here months ago to see if there was anyuthing missing or needed.  I made a few calls for materials that will be delivered to Pennsylvania tomorrow so that it can be brought here on Friday when the main team arrives.
This is the main pile of conduit that we will be working with.
The generators are in place in the generator building.
Our project started out to hook up the two generators above, but now we will be working with a third generator as well, all within the same building. 
There is no roof on this building yet, but the trusses are being fabricated and we expect to have a roof over our heads by Monday.
There was a slight misunderstanding of the floor design in the generator building.  The floor will be cut out to accommodate our electrical service equipment.
 These wire spools are part of the materials that will disappear in the next week and reappear on top of poles throughout the campus.
These poles will all be replaced by new poles.
Gene spent time measuring and marking where the new poles will be located.
In a few minutes we will be joining the YWAM staff at their weekly church service.  The hospitality here has been wonderful and here is a link to a video that the staff here created in anticipation of this week of work ahead of all of us.  (Scroll down to the video titled "Let It Blow- A Parody of Frozen"  You will be amused and encouraged with why we are here for this project. The anticipation here is very high.  Please pray for a safe work project and for all of the team to be able to arrive with no real delays.  And keep checking back as we will post more photos of our team in action.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Team! Glad to see you have arrived safely and have begun to set the project in motion....wish I was there to help. I will be praying for your safety and mission success, as well as sharing this blog with everyone in my prayer circle. I will be traveling on Sunday to the DR, right next door to you! If I can find a spare helicopter I'll stop over to visit ;)
